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Are RetailerName shoppers in GA fundamentally different from RetailerName shoppers in the 4 other states (SC, VA, TN, MD)?
Date: September 21th, 2017 / Joanne Yeh
Query and Data In Use
Here is the massive pull I used to get total_august.csv
Environment Setup
Import and set up data file
Should return a dataframe called dat_spend which has all the relevant columns.
# MODIFY THIS: Write new name of data file here
data_file_to_use = 'total_august.csv'
#georgia_file = 'georgia_august.csv'
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import figure
import seaborn as sns
from __future__ import division
import statsmodels.stats.api as sms
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=['svg']
Create function to do individual comparisons with less writing
def compare_states(state1, state2, metric):
tstat = 0
p_val = 0
if metric is 'num_visits':
tstat, p_val = stats.ttest_ind(fl_shoppers[(fl_shoppers.retailer == 'FOOD LION') & (fl_shoppers.state == state1)].groupby('uid').uid.count().values, \
fl_shoppers[(dat_spend.retailer == 'FOOD LION') & (fl_shoppers.state == state2)].groupby('uid').uid.count().values)
print "Mean of ", state1, "is", dat_spend[(dat_spend.retailer == 'FOOD LION') & (dat_spend.state == state1)].groupby('uid').uid.count().mean()
print "Mean of ", state2, "is", dat_spend[(dat_spend.retailer == 'FOOD LION') & (dat_spend.state == state2)].groupby('uid').uid.count().mean()
elif metric is 'total_spend_fl':
tstat, p_val = stats.ttest_ind(fl_shoppers[(fl_shoppers.retailer == 'FOOD LION') & (fl_shoppers.state == state1)].groupby('uid').amount_cents.sum().values, \
fl_shoppers[(fl_shoppers.retailer == 'FOOD LION') & (fl_shoppers.state == state2)].groupby('uid').amount_cents.sum().values)
print "Mean of ", state1, "is", fl_shoppers[(fl_shoppers.retailer == 'FOOD LION') & (fl_shoppers.state == state1)].groupby('uid').amount_cents.sum().mean()
print "Mean of ", state2, "is", fl_shoppers[(fl_shoppers.retailer == 'FOOD LION') & (fl_shoppers.state == state2)].groupby('uid').amount_cents.sum().mean()
elif metric is 'total_spend_all':
tstat, p_val = stats.ttest_ind(fl_shoppers[fl_shoppers.state == state1].groupby('uid').amount_cents.sum().values, \
fl_shoppers[fl_shoppers.state == state2].groupby('uid').amount_cents.sum().values)
print "Mean of ", state1, "is", fl_shoppers[fl_shoppers.state == state1].groupby('uid').amount_cents.sum().mean()
print "Mean of ", state2, "is", fl_shoppers[fl_shoppers.state == state2].groupby('uid').amount_cents.sum().mean()
elif metric is 'small_dollar_pct':
tstat, p_val = stats.ttest_ind(percentage_small_transactions[percentage_small_transactions.state == state1].pct.values, \
percentage_small_transactions[percentage_small_transactions.state == state2].pct.values)
print "Mean of ", state1, "is", percentage_small_transactions[percentage_small_transactions.state == state1].pct.mean()
print "Mean of ", state2, "is", percentage_small_transactions[percentage_small_transactions.state == state2].pct.values.mean()
print "error, metric not correct. Use num_vists, total_spend_fl, total_spend_all, or small_dollar_pct"
if p_val <= 0.05:
print "Statistically significant, pval:", p_val
print "Not statistically significant, pval:", p_val
Run the blocks below to clean and create necessary dataframes
dat = pd.read_csv(data_file_to_use, sep = ';')
dat.columns = ['uid', 'tid', 'date', 'retailer', 'amount_cents', 'transaction_type', 'state']
# clean the retailer names
dat.retailer = map(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8').upper(), dat.retailer)
dat.retailer = dat.retailer.replace(to_replace=u"\xa0", value=" ", regex=True)
dat.retailer = dat.retailer.str.strip()
dat.retailer = dat.retailer.replace(to_replace='-|#|\.', value=' ', regex=True)
dat.retailer = dat.retailer.replace(to_replace='[0-9]*$', value='', regex=True)
dat.retailer = dat.retailer.str.strip()
dat.retailer = dat.retailer.replace(to_replace='WAL MART', value ='WALMART', regex=True)
dat.retailer = dat.retailer.replace(to_replace='WALMART SUPER CENTER', value='WM SUPERCENTER', regex=True)
# exclude food benefit authorization from calculations and blank retailer
# names because usually adminstrative type fees
dat_spend = dat[~dat['retailer'].isin(['FOOD BENEFIT AUTHORIZATION',''])]
# remove all transactions which are not spending
dat_spend = dat_spend[dat_spend.amount_cents < 0]
# Get all transactions from users who have shopped at Food Lion
fl_shoppers = dat_spend[dat_spend['uid'].isin(dat_spend[dat_spend.retailer == 'FOOD LION'].uid.unique())]
# pre-filter some dataframes for use in the apply portion later
small_transactions = fl_shoppers[fl_shoppers.amount_cents > -600]
food_lion_transactions = fl_shoppers[fl_shoppers.retailer == 'FOOD LION']
# create dataframe that has counts for total transactions, small dollar where each row is one person
percentage_small_transactions = pd.DataFrame(fl_shoppers.uid.unique(), columns = ['fl_shopper_id'])
percentage_small_transactions['total_transactions'] = percentage_small_transactions['fl_shopper_id'].apply\
(lambda x: fl_shoppers[fl_shoppers.uid == x].tid.count())
percentage_small_transactions['small_dollar_transctions'] = percentage_small_transactions['fl_shopper_id'].apply\
(lambda x: small_transactions[small_transactions.uid == x].tid.count())
# calculate percentage based off these two values and place in same column
percentage_small_transactions['pct'] = percentage_small_transactions['small_dollar_transctions']/percentage_small_transactions['total_transactions']
# get first entry of series in column 6, to get user's state
percentage_small_transactions['state'] = percentage_small_transactions['fl_shopper_id'].apply\
(lambda x: fl_shoppers[fl_shoppers.uid == x].iloc[0,6])
Preview the first 5 lines of the dataframes
Dataframe of all spending transactions from those states during that time period
Dataframe of all spending transactions with people who have shopped at Food Lion at least once during this time period
Dataframe that contains percentage of small dollar transactions by Food Lion shopper
Analysis Section
Main question to answer: Are RetailerName shoppers in GA fundamentally different from RetailerName shoppers in the 4 other states (SC, VA, TN, MD)?
In a period of 30 days in September. // August 1 to before Sept 1
- Total number of times each person went to Food Lion
- Total spend per person at Food Lion
- Total spend per person
- Percentage of transactions under $6
- Average spend per trip
Between GA and SC
compare_states('TN', 'SC', 'num_visits')
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index.
import sys
Mean of TN is 2.27788461538
Mean of SC is 3.05244483867
Statistically significant, pval: 3.09797045076e-16
compare_states('TN', 'SC', 'total_spend_fl')
Mean of TN is -9356.99230769
Mean of SC is -11349.7171527
Statistically significant, pval: 2.63088834821e-07
compare_states('GA', 'SC', 'total_spend_all')
Mean of GA is -46167.4709302
Mean of SC is -42576.192926
Statistically significant, pval: 0.000103216028067
compare_states('TN', 'SC', 'small_dollar_pct')
Mean of TN is 0.25880529809
Mean of SC is 0.242008259508
Statistically significant, pval: 0.00635070323556
Number of Visits
How do RetailerName shoppers in Georgia compare to RetailerMa,e shoppers in the four other states, regarding the total number of times each person visited Retailer Name?
# takes all RetailerName transactions, sums visits for each person, then takes average
dat_spend[dat_spend.retailer == 'FOOD LION'].groupby(['state','uid']).uid.count().mean(level = 0)
GA 2.475291
MD 2.695441
SC 3.052445
TN 2.277885
VA 3.493663
Name: uid, dtype: float64
We can run a t-test on this:
Total Spend Per Person at Food Lion
Of those who have shopped at Food Lion during this time period, total spend at FL during that time period, by person
Total Spend Per Person (All Transactions)
Of those who have shopped at Food Lion during this time period, total spend during that time period, by person
# takes all Food Lion transactions, sums visits for each person, then takes average
fl_shoppers.groupby(['state','uid']).amount_cents.sum().mean(level = 0)
GA -46167.470930
MD -46530.272551
SC -42576.192926
TN -43508.835577
VA -41474.117455
Name: amount_cents, dtype: float64
Percentage of Transactions under $6
How does the percentage of transactions under $6 compare across Food Lion shoppers between these states?
percentage_small_transactions.groupby('state').pct.mean().mean(level = 0)
GA 0.255696
MD 0.245640
SC 0.242008
TN 0.258805
VA 0.294904
Name: pct, dtype: float64
Run t-test if desired